Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Three More Days

Only 3 more days until we pack up the car and the baby and head out east. I'm excited to see family, but I wonder if the trip will be as relaxing now that I have another schedule to keep: bed, bath, feedings, nap, play...diapers. Well, maybe I'll have help with the diaper part. I'm excited to see Ike react at Christmas. Mom said she bought an Elmo doll for Ike and that's all. But everytime I call she's wrapping. Hmmm.....

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Wii Fit

Today I love my Wii fit. It told me I only have 6 more pounds until I reach my prepregnancy weight! Yahooo!! Now if I can hold out through the holidays, I may actually be there by 2010..that would be my Christmas miracle.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

21lbs 11oz. 28 inches long!

Ike had his 6 month check-up today. He is right one track developmentally and still in the 90+ percentile physically. Everything looks great. The doctor did express concern that Ike is not sleeping through the night. He said I need to stop picking him up in the middle of the night and rocking him. So we are going to try to deal with the screaming at 3am.
I upload a video of Ike's screaming laughter which is much different than his upset screaming.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Christmas Tree is Up!

Ike helped pick out our Christmas tree today. He's sporting his sweater and matching hat made by my mom's friend from church. It was only 55 degrees today, which is how we got away with sweaters. Ike helped decorate the tree and then succeeded in tearing apart the tree.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Getting My Nights Back

I just spent 35 minutes saying "shhhhh" into a crib. Getting Ike to sleep is mental training for my mini-marathon this May. I'm not giving in, I'm not giving in...hopefully this bullheadedness will not transfer to my son. After all, getting to sleep is one thing, living through the terrible two's is another. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it! :)

Sunday, November 22, 2009


It's amazing how I set this up almost 2 years ago. Life was simpler back then. I was teaching 3rd at Beech Grove. Dave was at Tri-West. We were newly married and had NO IDEA what the decision to "have children" would hold. It was a long journey, some heartache, mostly happiness, and now we have Ike. Having children is making me a much more "selfless" person. Some people say having children makes you a better person, I don't see myself as better: crazier, hungrier, busier, much more tired, but I wouldn't say better. My perspective has changed, that's for sure. I still can't get my laundry done, dinner made, floors mopped, papers graded, shelves dusted, hidden army men located (thanks jeff), newsletter completed, but now those things seem trivial. I look to see if my baby is fed, dry, and happy. Maybe that's better, I don't know. It's definitely much more fun!

Oh well, it's the journey not the destination. I'm still not there yet, but I'm closer.